The first post is a reminder to myself to keep things simple, minimalistic and don’t produce waste. A new company needs a website, of course. So before starting to build our online shop I did the obvious thing: Build a pre launch page and maybe have a newsletter signup. This way potential business partners or customers can have a look what we are up to and sign up for a newsletter. The outcome? I did two different approaches and both of them ended in unexpected problems. The first approach was to hire a web desinger build a page. The design and input we got was great and beyond expectations, however, I was scepticle to put the site online since the handcrafted code seemed hard maintain. Let’s keep things simple, I thought, and with the second approach I used a site generator. The offer of GetResponse seemed to be ideal, which also allows you to add forms, send newsletters and whatnot. The website builder was nice to work with and I designed the site within a day. But, to make to site public we would need to change the nameservers of our domain to GetRespone. For some reason the GetResponse nameservers did not update to have the proper records for our domain. After waiting three days I gave up and declared the second try as failed as well. The offerings of all these marketing automation tools look great

We would like to have a blog anyhow to write about our progress, so let’s start with a blog.

Lessons leared:

Don’t waste time on things that are of short livetime

Use simple technology you master and don’t depend on complex tools from external companies

The offerings GetResponse and other marketing automation services look great. They also will work great, if you use them mostly exlusively for your website and business. Otherwise you will get into the hardest IT problem that exists: Integration nightmares!

Also keep things simple and minimalistic instead of too much fancy graphics and design. Packing Panic is the idea of a more easy and lighter (travel) life, so our online appearance should be looking like that: Clean, simple and sorted.